
Preparing for the 'oposiciones': suffixes used to form verbs

Suffixes used to form verbs:

-en: to blacken (ennegrecer), to darken (oscurecer), to harden (endurecer), to lenghten (alargar), to sharpen (afilar), to shorten (acortar), to strengthen (fortalecer), to soften (ablandar, suavizar), to sweeten (endulzar), to weaken (debilitar), to whiten (blanquear), to widen (ensanchar)
-ate: to chlorinate (tratar con cloro), to dehydrate (deshidratar), to humiliate (humillar), to originate (originar)
-ize/-ise: to apologize (disculparse), to criticize (criticar), to legalize (legalizar), to organize (organizar)

-ify: to falsify [falsificar (hechos, recibos, documentos, etc)]horrify (horrorizar), to purify (purificar), to simplify (simplificar)


Derive verbs from the words given; then translate into Spanish: 

a.- hyphen 
b.- deaf 
c.- glory 
d.- terror 
e.- vaccine 
f.- theory 
g.- person 
h.- loose 
i.- mummy (momia)
j.- damp
k.- authentic
l.- red


a.- to hyphenate (unir con guión)
b.- to deafen (ensordecer)
c.- to glorify (glorificar)
d.- to terrorize (aterrorizar)
e.- to vaccinate (vacunar)
f.- to theorize (teorizar)
g.- to personify (personificar)
h.- to loosen (aflojar)
i.- to mummify (momificar)
j.- to dampen (humedecer)
k.- to authenticate (autentificar)
l.- to redden (enrojecer)

For prefixes and suffixes, see my Gramática Inglesa, 9ª ed., Pearson-Longman, pp. 620-628.

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