
Léxico: antónimos (ejercicio)


Completa las siguientes frases con un antónimohttp://sanchezbenedito.blogspot.com.es/2014/03/preparing-for-oposiciones-antonyms.html del adjetivo subrayado que empiece con la letra dada:

1.- The baby’s not asleep, it’s a - - - -

2.- The film wasn’t exciting, I found it rather b - - - - -

3.- You shouldn’t be so contemptuous, you should be more r - - - - - - - -

4.- The road is quite narrow, I expected it to be w - - - -

5.- I don’t like long speeches, I prefer them to be b - - - -

6.- The street we live in isn’t peaceful at all, it’s rather n - - - -

7.- The letter wasn’t signed, it was u - - - - - - -

8.- That suit isn’t cheap, it’s a bit e - - - - - - - -

9.- He’s never idle, he’s always b - - -

10.- Your shirt isn’t smooth, it’s quite w - - - - - - -


1.- awake, 2.- boring; 3.- respectful; 4.- wider; 5.- brief; 6.- noisy; 7.- unsigned; 8.- expensive; 9,. busy; 10.- wrinkled

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